Travel restrictions updates
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18.07.2021 13:26: Denmark updated entry restrictions.

17.07.2021 16:04: Thailand updated entry restrictions.

17.07.2021 05:36: Poland updated entry restrictions.

17.07.2021 01:14: Cyprus updated entry restrictions.

16.07.2021 22:36: US Virgin Islands updated entry restrictions for passengers who arrive from or during last 14 days have been in China.

16.07.2021 22:30: United States updated entry restrictions for passengers who arrive from or during last 14 days have been in China.

16.07.2021 22:00: Thailand updated entry restrictions.

16.07.2021 21:50: Switzerland updated entry restrictions.

16.07.2021 20:38: Puerto Rico updated entry restrictions for passengers who arrive from or during last 14 days have been in China.

16.07.2021 20:30: Philippines updated quarantine policy.

16.07.2021 19:04: Martinique updated quarantine policy.

16.07.2021 19:04: Martinique updated special requirements for all international flights.

16.07.2021 18:36: Liechtenstein updated entry restrictions.

16.07.2021 17:56: Italy updated entry restrictions for passengers who arrive from or have been in United Kingdom.

16.07.2021 17:56: Italy updated entry restrictions for passengers who arrive from or have been in Portugal.

16.07.2021 17:56: Italy updated entry restrictions for passengers who arrive from or have been in Malta, Spain.

16.07.2021 17:14: Guadeloupe updated quarantine policy.

16.07.2021 17:14: Guadeloupe updated special requirements for all international flights.

16.07.2021 17:10: Greenland updated entry restrictions.

16.07.2021 16:42: Faroe Islands updated entry restrictions.

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