Travel restrictions updates
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06.11.2020 06:28: Norfolk Island updated entry restrictions.

06.11.2020 06:28: Norfolk Island imposed entry restrictions for passengers who arrive from or have been in New Zealand.

06.11.2020 02:42: Costa Rica updated entry restrictions.

06.11.2020 02:30: Cocos (Keeling) Islands updated entry restrictions.

06.11.2020 02:30: Cocos (Keeling) Islands imposed entry restrictions for passengers who arrive from or have been in New Zealand.

06.11.2020 02:28: Christmas Island updated entry restrictions.

06.11.2020 02:28: Christmas Island imposed entry restrictions for passengers who arrive from or have been in New Zealand.

06.11.2020 00:40: Australia updated entry restrictions.

06.11.2020 00:40: Australia imposed entry restrictions for passengers who arrive from or have been in New Zealand.

05.11.2020 20:28: Mali imposed quarantine policy.

05.11.2020 20:28: Mali updated entry restrictions.

05.11.2020 17:30: Colombia updated entry restrictions.

05.11.2020 15:28: Anguilla imposed forced isolation.

05.11.2020 13:02: Romania updated flights restrictions for flights from/to Andorra, Argentina, Armenia, French Polynesia, Gibraltar, Guam, Montenegro.

05.11.2020 13:02: Romania cancelled flights restrictions for flights from/to Bahamas, Bahrain, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico.

05.11.2020 11:00: Lebanon updated entry restrictions.

04.11.2020 23:50: Denmark updated entry restrictions.

04.11.2020 21:28: Argentina updated entry restrictions.

04.11.2020 19:38: Sri Lanka updated entry restrictions.

04.11.2020 19:38: Sri Lanka updated flights restrictions for all international flights.

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