Travel restrictions updates
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10.08.2020 15:04: St Lucia slacken entry restrictions.

10.08.2020 13:16: Mozambique updated quarantine policy.

10.08.2020 13:16: Mozambique imposed flights restrictions: all international flights are suspended.

10.08.2020 12:26: Liechtenstein slacken quarantine policy.

10.08.2020 10:56: Ghana updated flights restrictions for all international flights.

10.08.2020 10:38: Finland updated entry restrictions.

10.08.2020 10:28: Estonia updated entry restrictions.

10.08.2020 09:50: Congo Democratic Republic updated airports operations restrictions.

10.08.2020 09:31: Ireland imposed home/self isolation.

10.08.2020 09:26: Cameroon cancelled forced isolation.

10.08.2020 09:26: Cameroon cancelled flights restrictions for all international flights.

10.08.2020 00:38: China imposed entry restrictions for passengers who arrive from or have been in Luxembourg.

10.08.2020 00:38: China updated entry restrictions for passengers who arrive from or have been in Thailand.

09.08.2020 11:16: Rwanda updated entry restrictions.

09.08.2020 10:08: Morocco imposed entry restrictions.

09.08.2020 10:08: Morocco updated flights restrictions for all international flights.

09.08.2020 09:36: Maldives cancelled entry restrictions.

08.08.2020 15:36: Malta extended quarantine policy.

08.08.2020 15:16: Liechtenstein updated entry restrictions.

08.08.2020 15:16: Liechtenstein extended quarantine policy.

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