Travel restrictions updates
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14.08.2020 10:12: Turks and Caicos Islands updated entry restrictions.

14.08.2020 05:58: Iraq updated entry restrictions.

13.08.2020 22:42: Nepal updated flights restrictions for all international flights.

13.08.2020 22:10: Mauritania updated airports operations restrictions.

13.08.2020 20:42: Honduras updated airports operations restrictions.

13.08.2020 20:12: Germany updated entry restrictions.

13.08.2020 20:12: Germany updated quarantine policy.

13.08.2020 18:58: China updated entry restrictions for passengers who arrive from or have been in North Macedonia.

13.08.2020 16:36: Vietnam updated entry restrictions.

13.08.2020 16:34: Venezuela updated flights restrictions for all international flights.

13.08.2020 16:16: United Arab Emirates updated entry restrictions for passengers who arrive from or have been in United States.

13.08.2020 16:16: United Arab Emirates updated entry restrictions.

13.08.2020 14:18: Peru updated flights restrictions for all international flights.

13.08.2020 11:54: Iraq imposed entry restrictions.

13.08.2020 10:20: Curacao updated entry restrictions.

13.08.2020 09:56: China updated entry restrictions for passengers who arrive from or have been in Iran, Russia, Turkey.

13.08.2020 09:56: China updated entry restrictions for passengers who arrive from or have been in Bangladesh, Chad, Egypt, Kenya, Luxembourg, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Thailand.

13.08.2020 09:56: China imposed entry restrictions for passengers who arrive from or have been in North Macedonia.

12.08.2020 22:12: United Arab Emirates updated entry restrictions.

12.08.2020 22:12: United Arab Emirates updated entry restrictions for passengers who arrive from or have been in United States.

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