Travel restrictions update for Croatia
All updates
Applied from 25.05.2020 14:32:
  • Extended entry restrictions: imposed total entry ban.
    Passengers are not allowed to enter Croatia.
    This does not apply to nationals of Croatia and their family members.
    This does not apply to nationals of the EU, Schengen Member States and the Schengen Associated States, passengers from the United Kingdom, and their family members on their way home.
    This does not apply to passengers with a long-term resident permit or a long-term visa issued by a Schengen Member State and the persons deriving their right to reside from other EU Directives or national law or who hold national long-term visas, on their way home.
    This does not apply to healthcare professionals, healthcare researchers and collaborators, experts in care for the elderly, and persons requiring urgent medical treatment.
    This does not apply to cross-border workers.
    This does not apply to diplomats, police officers in the performance of their activities, Civil Defence services and teams, international organizations staff and International military personnel in carrying out their functions.
    This does not apply to passengers in transit.

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