Travel restrictions update for India
All updates
Applied from 20.04.2021 00:54:
  • Updated entry restrictions.
    Passengers are not allowed to enter.
    - This does not apply to passengers with an Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card or booklet.
    - This does not apply to passengers with a Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) card.
    - This does not apply to passengers with a visa (excluding medical visas issued on or before 21 October 2020, and tourist visas(Type T)) issued by India.
    - This does not apply to passengers with an E-visa (excluding E-Tourist visas) issued by India.
    - This does not apply to passengers returning from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives or Nepal via India to their country of residence.
    - This does not apply to passengers with a visa (excluding medical visas issued on or before 21 October 2020, and tourist visas(Type T)) issued by India.
    - This does not apply to passengers with an E-visa (excluding E-Tourist visas) issued by India.
    E-Tourist visas and tourist visas (Type T) are no longer valid.
    Medical visas issued on or before 21 October 2020 are no longer valid.
    Passengers must complete the self-declaration form at before departure.
    Passengers must have a medical certificate with a negative Coronavirus (COVID-19) RT-PCR test result. The test must have been taken at most 72 hours before departure from the first embarkation point. The test must be uploaded at .

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