Extended entry restrictions. Passengers not arriving from Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden or Switzerland are not allowed to enter Austria.
This does not apply to passengers with a D visa issued by Austria.
This does not apply to passengers with a medical certificate dated from a maximum of 4 days before their arrival in Austria. The medical certificate must confirm that the person is not affected by Coronavirus (COVID-19), and be in German or in English.
This does not apply to:
- passengers traveling on diplomatic missions and their family members if living in the same household, and
- employees of international organisations and their family members if living in the same household, and
- humanitarian workers, and
- healthcare professionals, and
- transport personnel including crew engaged in transport of goods, and
- crew members of cargo, emergency, rescue/ambulance or ferry flights.
13.03.2020 06:08: updated entry restrictions for passengers who arrive from or during last 14 days have been in China, Iran, Italy, Korea (Rep.). Passengers and crew members who have been in Hubei Province of China (People's Rep.), France, Italy, Iran, Korea (Rep.), Netherlands, Russian Fed., Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine or the United Kingdom in the past 14 days must have a medical certificate dated from a maximum of 4 days before their arrival in Austria. The medical certificate must :
- confirm that the person is not affected by Coronavirus (COVID-19), and
- be in German or in English, and
- be obtained at https://infothek.bmvit.gv.at/massnahmen-bei-der-einreise-aus-sars-cov-2-risikogebieten/ .
This does not apply to crew members of cargo, emergency, rescue/ambulance or ferry flights.
14.03.2020 19:20: imposed entry restrictions for passengers who arrive from or during last 14 days have been in France, Spain, Switzerland. Passengers and crew members who have been in Hubei Province of China (People's Rep.), France, Italy, Iran, Korea (Rep.), Netherlands, Russian Fed., Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine or the United Kingdom in the past 14 days must have a medical certificate dated from a maximum of 4 days before their arrival in Austria. The medical certificate must :
- confirm that the person is not affected by Coronavirus (COVID-19), and
- be in German or in English, and
- be obtained at https://infothek.bmvit.gv.at/massnahmen-bei-der-einreise-aus-sars-cov-2-risikogebieten/ .
This does not apply to crew members of cargo, emergency, rescue/ambulance or ferry flights.
16.03.2020 16:30: imposed entry restrictions for passengers who arrive from or during last 14 days have been in Netherlands, Russia, Ukraine, United Kingdom. Passengers and crew members who have been in Hubei Province of China (People's Rep.), France, Italy, Iran, Korea (Rep.), Netherlands, Russian Fed., Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine or the United Kingdom in the past 14 days must have a medical certificate dated from a maximum of 4 days before their arrival in Austria. The medical certificate must :
- confirm that the person is not affected by Coronavirus (COVID-19), and
- be in German or in English, and
- be obtained at https://infothek.bmvit.gv.at/massnahmen-bei-der-einreise-aus-sars-cov-2-risikogebieten/ .
This does not apply to crew members of cargo, emergency, rescue/ambulance or ferry flights.