Extended entry restrictions. Passengers must have a medical certificate with a negative Coronavirus (COVID-19) PCR SARS-CoV-2 test, taken at most 72 hours before departure of the last direct flight to Chile.
Passengers must have a travel insurance with a minimum coverage of USD 30,000 to cover all expenses originated by Coronavirus (COVID-19), e.g., medical treatments, repatriation costs, etc.
An Affidavit for Travellers to Prevent Coronavirus Diseases (COVID-19) (Declaracion Jurada) must be completed at www.c19.cl at most 48 hours before departure of the last direct flight to Chile.
Passengers must undergo “Passenger Tracking" for 14 days or until they leave Chile.
A completed "SAG Affidavit" must be presented upon arrival. The form can be submitted online before departure at www.sagingresoachile.cl .
- This does not apply to passengers younger than 18 years.
23.11.2020 00:54: slacken entry restrictions. A completed "SAG Affidavit" must be presented upon arrival. The form can be submitted online before departure at www.sagingresoachile.cl .
- This does not apply to passengers younger than 18 years.