Travel restrictions updates
for Oman
01.10.2020 03:22: updated entry restrictions. Passengers are not allowed to enter. --- Passengers are subject to Coronavirus (COVID-19) PCR test. - This does not apply to passengers younger than 15 years. --- Passengers must have an insurance to cover medical expenses in Oman for a period of one month. --- Passengers must download the Tarassud+ app before arrival. --- Passengers must pay OMR 25 on arrival. 01.10.2020 03:22: slacken special requirements for all international flights. Flights to Oman are suspended. - This does not apply to flights arriving from Bahrain, Bangladesh, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Germany, India, Kuwait, Malaysia, Netherlands, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates or United Kingdom. - This does not apply to humanitarian and repatriation flights. 28.09.2020 12:08: updated flights restrictions for all international flights. Flights to Oman are suspended. - This does not apply to humanitarian and repatriation flights. 15.09.2020 17:00: updated flights restrictions for all international flights. Flights to Oman are suspended until 30 September 2020. - This does not apply to humanitarian and repatriation flights. 01.09.2020 09:44: updated flights restrictions for all international flights. Flights to Oman are suspended until 15 September 2020. - This does not apply to humanitarian and repatriation flights. 07.07.2020 16:12: imposed flights restrictions: all international flights are suspended. Flights to Oman are suspended. This does not apply to humanitarian and repatriation flights. 18.03.2020 18:54: updated entry restrictions. Passengers are not allowed to enter. 17.03.2020 15:48: extended entry restrictions: imposed total entry ban. Passengers are not allowed to enter Oman. This does not apply to passengers with a resident visa issued by Oman. 15.03.2020 18:38: updated entry restrictions. Visa on Arrival facilities are temporarily suspended. 13.03.2020 21:26: imposed entry restrictions. Tourist visa and visa on arrival facilities have been suspended. 13.03.2020 08:44: cancelled ban entry for passengers who arrive from or during last 14 days have been in China, Iran, Italy, Korea (Rep.). [before 12th March 2020]: imposed ban entry for passengers who arrive from or during last 14 days have been in Egypt. This does not apply to nationals of Egypt with a Resident Visa issued by Oman. Passengers must also hold a medical examination (PCR) confirming that they are free of Coronavirus (COVID-19). The PCR must be issued within 48 hours before boarding the aircraft by a laboratory approved by the Oman embassy in Cairo. [before 12th March 2020]: imposed ban entry for passengers who arrive from or during last 14 days have been in China, Iran, Italy, Korea (Rep.). |