Travel restrictions update for Kuwait
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Applied from 27.07.2020 13:56:
  • Updated entry restrictions.
    Passengers are not allowed to enter Kuwait.
    - This does not apply to nationals of Kuwait and their first degree family members. They must have a OK TO TRAVEL authorization obtained from the state of Kuwait embassy.
    - This does not apply to domestic workers if accompanied by a national of Kuwait. They must have a OK TO TRAVEL authorization obtained from the state of Kuwait embassy.
    - This does not apply to passengers with a diplomatic passport or UN passport, members of UNESCO with prior approval from the government authorities.
    Immediate family members of nationals of Kuwait are allowed to enter if:
    - traveling with the national of Kuwaiti, or
    - prior approval to enter is obtained from Kuwait Immigration Authorities.
    Domestic personnel is allowed to enter Kuwait if traveling with the Kuwaiti Sponsor.

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