Updated entry restrictions. Passengers are not allowed to enter and transit.
This does not apply to the following passengers:
- passengers with a Diplomatic Visa or Service Visa;
- passengers with a Diplomatic Stay Permit or Service Stay Permit;
- medical Aid Workers or Food Sustenance Workers for Humanitarian Purposes;
- foreigners/Expatriates working on strategic national projects.
28.05.2020 16:26: updated entry restrictions. Passengers are not allowed to transit or enter Indonesia.
This does not apply to passengers with a Temporary Stay Permit (ITAS) or Permanent Stay Permit (ITAP).
This does not apply to the following passengers:
- passengers with a Diplomatic Visa or Service Visa;
- passengers with a Diplomatic Stay Permit or Service Stay Permit;
- medical Aid Workers or Food Sustenance Workers for Humanitarian Purposes;
- foreigners/Expatriates working on strategic national projects.
Passengers and airline crew must:
- go through medical screening upon arrival; and be quarantined for 14 days; and
- have a medical certificate issued within 7 days before arrival stating a negative Coronavirus (COVID-19) PCR test result, that the passenger is free from respiratory disease and 'fit to travel'; or
- be tested for Coronavirus (COVID-19) upon arrival.