Updated quarantine policy. Passengers must present a completed Public Health Passenger Locator Form upon arrival. Passengers must self-isolate and must proceed directly to their own home, or other suitable accommodation for a period of 14 days.
This does not apply to merchant seamen without Coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms.
For more information, please refer to the website https://www.bundespolizei.de/Web/DE/04Aktuelles/01Meldungen/2020/03/200317_faq.html;jsessionid=97A3BB54ABD2E6A6A7D1D39F30BEC55C.2_cid324?nn=5931604#doc13824392bodyText2
24.04.2020 00:38: updated quarantine policy. Passengers must present a completed Public Health Passenger Locator Form upon arrival. Passengers must self-isolate and must proceed directly to their own home, or other suitable accommodation for a period of 14 days.
This does not apply to merchant seamen without Coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms.