Updated entry restrictions. Passengers and airline crew are not allowed to enter Solomon Isl.
Passengers must have a Prime Minister’s Office Approval. Details can be found at www.flysolomons.com/library/solomon-islands-travel-advisory-18-190421.pdf
Passengers must complete a “Pre Departure Questionnaire" which can be found at www.flysolomons.com/library/content/Planpage/sig-pre-departure-questionnaire.pdf ; and an “Instructions on Conduct form" which can be found at: www.flysolomons.com/library/content/Planpage/sig-instructions-on-conduct-form.pdf Both forms must be sent to NHEOC_REPAT@moh.gov.sb at least 5 days before departure.
Passengers must present a completed Traveler’s Public Health Declaration Card and provide full details of their place of stay, travel itinerary and current personal contact details in Solomon Isl.
Passengers must provide details of their international travel history for the last 14 days prior to arrival in Solomon Isl.
07.05.2020 17:44: updated entry restrictions. Passengers and airline crew are not allowed to enter Solomon Isl.
This does not apply to passengers with prior written authorization issued by the Prime Minister.
Passengers and airline crew must provide details of their international travel history for the period of 14 days prior to arrival in Solomon Isl.