Travel restrictions update for Maldives
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Applied from 22.03.2020 12:10:
  • Updated entry restrictions for passengers who arrive from or during last 14 days have been in Italy, Bangladesh, China, France (Ile-de-France and Grand Est), Germany (Bavaria, North Rhine Westphalia and Baden-Wuerttemberg), Iran, Korea (Rep.) (North Gyeongsang and South Gyeongsang Provinces), Malaysia, Spain, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom.
    Passengers traveling as tourists and airline crew who have been in Bangladesh, China (People's Rep.), Iran, Italy, Malaysia, Spain, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom or in North Gyeongsang and South Gyeongsang Provinces in Korea (Rep.), Ile-de-France and Grand Est (regions of France) and Bavaria, North Rhine Westphalia and Baden-Wuerttemberg (regions of Germany) in the past 14 days are not allowed to enter the Maldives.
    This does not apply to spouses of nationals of Maldives.

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