Travel restrictions update for Samoa
All updates
Applied from 21.03.2020 19:46:
  • Updated entry restrictions.
    All travelers, including returning residents entering Samoa, must have a medical certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner issued within 3 days before their arrival into Samoa.
    All travelers, including returning residents entering Samoa, are required to undergo medical examination by a Registered Medical Practitioner within 3 days before arrival. Medical clearance report is required for check-in prior to issuing of boarding passes.
    All travelers entering Samoa, including Samoan passport holders who are permanent residents of American Samoa, are required to have medical examination within 3 days before entering. It has to be signed by the attending physician and counter-signed by the Motusa Tuileama Nua, Director of Public Health, American Samoa.
    Compulsory screening of all arriving passengers and crew to Samoa is in effect at all ports of entry. All are required to comply and produce additional documents when asked.

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