Updated entry restrictions. Passengers are not allowed to enter.
Passengers must have a medical certificate with a negative Coronavirus (COVID-19) RT-PCR test result. The test must have been taken at most 72 hours before departure from the first embarkation point.
- This does not apply to passengers younger than 6 years.
- This does not apply to passengers with a letter issued by a consulate of Uruguay stating that the passenger is exempt from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) PCR test requirement before departure. The passenger is subject to a PCR test upon arrival.
Passengers and airline crew must have a health insurance.
A completed "Declaracion de Salud" must be presented to upon arrival. The form can be submitted online before departure at https://declaracion-viajero.coronavirus.gub.uy/controlfronterizoFront/servlet/com.controlfronterizofrontend.home or at the "Coronavirus UY" app.
A completed "Formulario de Frontera" must be presented to upon arrival.
24.09.2020 20:10: updated entry restrictions. Passengers are not allowed to enter.
Passengers and airline crew must have a medical certificate with a negative Coronavirus (COVID-19) PCR test result issued at most 72 hours before departure.
- This does not apply to passengers younger than 6 years.
- This does not apply to passengers with a letter issued by a consulate of Uruguay stating that the passenger is exempt from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) PCR test requirement before departure. The passenger is subject to a PCR test upon arrival.