Updated entry restrictions for passengers who arrive from or have been in Cruise ship "Diamond Princess". Passengers and crew members who were on the cruise ship "Diamond Princess" are not allowed to transit or enter Singapore from 19 February 2020 to 29 March 2020.
This does not apply to returning residents of Singapore (Permanent Residents or Long-Term Pass Holders(including holders of Work Pass, Student’s Pass, Dependant’s Pass, and Long-Term Visit Pass) ). They will be quarantined for 14 days upon entry into Singapore.
Passengers with an Approved Letter for Entry from the Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority will not be subject to the above restrictions. However, they may still be subjected to the prevailing health screening requirement upon arriving at Singapore airport. Possession of an Approved Letter for Entry does not guarantee the issuance of a Visit Pass to enter Singapore.
[before 12th March 2020]: imposed ban entry for passengers who arrive from or have been in Cruise ship "Diamond Princess". Passengers and crew members who were on the cruise ship "Diamond Princess" are not allowed to transit or enter Singapore from 19 February 2020 to 29 March 2020.
This does not apply to permanent residents of Singapore or long-term pass holders. They will be quarantined for 14 days upon arrival in Singapore.