Travel restrictions update for China
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Applied from 28.08.2020 20:18:
  • Updated entry restrictions for passengers who arrive from or have been in Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Czechia, Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, Netherlands, Norway, Philippines, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United States.
    Nationals of China (People's Rep.) who are arriving from or have transited through Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Czechia, Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, Netherlands, Norway, Philippines, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland or USA must present a green QR code before departure. The QR code can be generated from:
    - declaring the health status for 14 days in the Wechat mimi program "FANG YI JIAN KANG MA GUO JI BAN", or
    - uploading a medical certificate with a negative Coronavirus (COVID-19) nucleic acid test result.

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